Saturday, August 3, 2019

The Ark before Noah (video)

Irving Finkel, Oriental Institute, 7/20/16; Sheldon S., Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

The Ark Before Noah: A Great Adventure
Enki, the good god (deva) helped humankind
British Museum Department of the Middle East Assistant Keeper I Irving Finkel, who is responsible for cuneiform tablets, gives an amazing firsthand talk and PowerPoint presentation.

He describes what befell him after a remarkable cuneiform tablet was brought for examination to the British Museum in London.

Its 4,000-year-old inscription led to a series of altogether unexpected discoveries, like the shape of "Noah's Ark," demanding a whole new look at Noah and the biblical "Ark," culminating in a book and documentary film on the building of a scale model of the real Ark in India.

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