Saturday, September 14, 2019

7-Day Meditation Challenge (Sharon Salzberg)

Sharon Salzberg (; Dhr. Seven, Crystal Q. (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
In a few days famed American meditation teacher Sharon Salzberg starts her new Heart of Intention Challenge.

It begins Monday, September 16th! This is the first ever week-long meditation challenge she’s offering.

She chose the theme of intention because she has found it to be a rich arena of exploration in her own life.

The challenge consists of seven daily lessons. Each contains a teaching video, a practice video, and a weekly guided meditation of variable lengths to choose from. These combined average 20-25 minutes a day total for each lesson.

The format is meant to be very flexible, as she knows everyone is so busy with life and can’t always carve out long periods of time to dedicate to practice.

Once the challenge begins on Monday, Sept. 16th, participants will receive a daily email with the link to that day’s lesson, which can be watched at one’s own leisure.

Don't worry. If there is no to get to all seven lessons during the seven days together with her, there will be the opportunity to continue to have ongoing access to the lessons for as long as one likes. Go back to them anytime in the future.

She hopes everyone will join and take up the challenge of practicing together for seven days to explore the valuable topic of intention.

Registration closes at 11:59 pm PST on Monday, Sept. 16th! She’s looking forward to the time together with everyone who joins in. More

  • What does it cost? That's the best part. It's on a donation basis with a suggested donation of $10 for those who have the resources so everyone can join in.

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