Friday, September 20, 2019

At Area 51; Secret Space Program (video)

The Good Stuff; CBS This Morning; 8 News NOW; Timothy Green Beckley, Dr. Michael E. Salla, Host G. Noory (, 9/18/19); Pfc. Sandoval, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Timothy Green Beckley has been described as the "Hunter S. Thompson" of UFOlogy. He talks about the legendary Area 51 U.S. military base, where it is said bodies of space aliens, alive and dead, are kept. He covers the latest news on large gatherings being planned in the desert near the formerly top secret base.

Dr. Michael Salla -- pioneer in the development of exopolitics and author exposing U.S. government policies on extraterrestrial life -- details his research into the history of the U.S. Secret Space Program.

(CBS This Morning) Corporate news mocking American wish to see inside formerly-secret Area 51

This includes the public release of patents revealing revolutionary electro-magnetic propulsion and defense technologies that could rapidly change life on earth.

The Navy is encouraging open source scientists to replicate breakthroughs that have occurred in highly classified defense projects, rather than having these technologies declassified through the normal declassification process. More + AUDIO

(8 News NOW Las Vegas, 7/16/19) Air Force warns against Area 51 raid

Danger, dead birds, and chemtrails: 5G
Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind (Dr. Steven Greer/
Matthew Landman, MBA, was firmly entrenched in the financial world. Then he went to work on an organic farm in Humboldt County, California, where he became aware of geo-engineering "chemtrails."

He describes the future of 5G cellular technology that requires cell towers "every 500 feet." Radio wavelengths are very large, FM is smaller, microwaves are smaller, and 5G waves are the smallest at 1 millimeter. They interact with the body and cause cancer, bleeding, and other problems. They can only travel for about 1,000 feet before becoming too weak to be useful.

They were developed by the U.S. military in the geopolitical Middle East as a nonlethal weapon. Landman reveals that there are no studies have ever shown that 5G is safe, whereas there are thousands of scientific studeis that show that 5G is unsafe.

Local authorities cave in to pressure from the U.S. government and communications giants such as Verizon, which say there is no proof of their danger.

The "chemtrail" or persistent aerosol phenomenon has been studied, Landman says, citing numerous open source government projects having to do with "aerosol release programs."

Recent extreme weather events are engineered by unknown governmental [black budget] agencies. He believes these are all part of a covert population control program, which are facilitated by increased electromagnetic radiation (EMF) from proposed 5G networks, which he said has been proven to cause infertility and is killing birds. [The U.S. bird population is down by 3 billion].

Landman also discussed his line of [Faraday cage] clothing, which he claims blocks harmful EMF emanating from the environment.
Mainstream "science" news

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