Monday, September 16, 2019

Edward Snowden tells all in new book; Pfc. Sandoval, Pat Macpherson, Crystal Quintero (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Edward Snowden, the man who risked his life and everything to expose the U.S. government’s system of illegal mass surveillance on American civilians, reveals the story of his life for the first time.

He includes how he helped build the U.S. (NSA) secret civilian spying system and what motivated him to try to bring it down.

In 2013, 29-year-old Snowden shocked the world when he broke with the American spying/intelligence establishment and revealed that the U.S. government has been secretly pursuing the means to collect
  • every single U.S. phone call
  • text message
  • and email.
No Place to Hide (Greenwald)
The result is an unprecedented system of mass surveillance with the ability to pry into the private lives of every American and every person on earth.

Six years later Snowden reveals for the first time HOW he helped build this system and WHY he exposed it.

Spanning the green Washington, D.C. Beltway suburbs of his childhood and the clandestine CIA and NSA postings of his adulthood, the new book Permanent Record is the extraordinary account of a bright young American man who grew up online ― a man who became a spy, a whistleblower and, in exile, the Internet’s conscience.

Written with wit, grace, passion, and an unflinching candor, Permanent Record is a crucial memoir of our digital age and destined to be a classic. More

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