Saturday, September 28, 2019

Going vegan with Schwarzenegger (film)

The Game Changers
 Arnold Schwarzenegger's vegan documentary 
There are 101 reasons to go plant-based.
It may surprise the world that Hollywood superstar, professional bodybuilder, and former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is starring in and executive producing a vegan doc featuring James Cameron, Novak Djokovic, Chris Paul, martial arts expert and international superstar Jackie Chan, to name a few.

Why would one of the most recognizable people in the world go vegan in public? To save the planet, to reverse the climate crisis, to live longer and be healthier in a better body?

  • A UFC fighter learns everything we've been taught about protein was a LIE. The Game Changers hits digital worldwide on Oct. 1st, 2019, available for pre-order on iTunes.
Vegan is the way to go for those who want their own health and the health of the planet, which is otherwise exposed to increased demand for "factory farming," animal torture, pestilence, disease, a broken and overburdened health care system, and countless tortured live (over 1 million animals slaughtered a day in the USA, half of them to be thrown in the garbage rather than being eaten)? Schwarzenegger did it for optimal muscle growth, sports performance with clean plant-based proteins and nutrients as he ages badly due to the toxic effects of all the meat he previously ate and things he might have shot up to gain muscle mass (e.g., steroids). #Vegan

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