Monday, September 23, 2019

Hate and the climate with Greta (video)

VICE News, 9/23/19; LA Times; DS; Crystal Q., Ashley Wells, Seth Auberon, Wisdom Quarterly

"School Strike for the Climate"
The 16-year-old climate super activist Greta Thunberg delivers an over-emotional and hateful speech at the United Nations Climate Summit, where she chides and spits venom at so-called "world leaders" fronting for the capitalist/industrialist movers and shakers with the repeated phrase, "HOW DARE YOU!" She rips them a new one to what effect? It was "Thunberdolts" and lightning, very very frightening, mamma mia, hear her go! Beelzebub, has the devil put his sights on me, on she, on we?!

Mother Teresa (the atheist Catholic saint), like The Beatles and John Lennon and wife Yoko Ono, taught that they prefer pro-peace demonstrations to anti-war protests. Greta, maybe there's something to be said for peaceful campaigns over fights, strikes, invectives, and wrathful condemnations?

(Comedy Central) The Daily Show w/Trevor Noah, guest Greta Thunberg

Global Climate Strike continues with Greta as vicious mascot, Sept. 20-17, 2019. Agitate.

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