Friday, September 27, 2019

There are three dangers in the world

Ajahn Khamdee; Ven. Sujato (Gonzo Dhamma), Ellie Askew, Dhr. Seven, Wisdom Quarterly
"You won't find reasonable men on the tops of tall mountains" (H. S. Thompson/Gonzo)
I've spent my life — from youth to old age — as a wandering ascetic, climbing mountains and hills, entering forests and jungles.

Still, I have yet to see a tiger eat anyone alive. I've heard reports, but I've never seen it. I have yet to see a snake kill anyone, or a fierce spirit possess anyone and cause that person to die.

What I have seen with my own eyes is that the people in this world are suffering — not from being eaten by tigers or bitten by snakes or trampled by elephants — but from their own greed, hatred [fear/anger], and delusion.

Whatever may be making them suffer — greed, hatred, and delusion are the things that destroy them.

This is why the Buddha taught that fools destroy themselves just as they would destroy others. They destroy themselves by acting in unskillful and corrupt ways, as we see all around us.

Fools are reborn as human beings just like everyone else, but their behavior isn't like that of other human beings. Source

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