Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Santa Ana winds, more California fires (video)

The "new normal" is the same except worse.
There are too many fires to mention in Southern California. All around the suburban edges of Los Angeles, embers keep starting new ones. Smoke swirls in the basin. The freeway arteries are closed for safety, and traffic is worse than ever. So the open ones are clogged. People are sleeping in their cubicles. It's not much better up north.

Rich homeowners have gone homeless. No one is laughing that climate change -- a conspiracy funded by movers and shakers (HAARP, geo-engineering, chemtrails flooding the skies with toxic heavy metal nanoparticles), anthropogenic (due to our fossil fuel burning and environmental destruction), or just something happening all over the solar system due to periodic changes in the sun as David Wilcock explains ( -- is merely climate alarmism. LA's local government "clear channel" (KFI 640 AM) is on top of it, as is most of the AM band, including Dr. Drew (, 790 AM).

There will be no Halloween trick-or-treating this year, kids, at least not on some of the westside. Too much smoke and traffic danger. The eastside is good. Ronald Reagan's presidential library was at risk.
  • Hill Fire, Jurupa Valley, Riverside
  • Long Beach Fire
  • Diamond Bar/Brea, LA/OC border
  • Easy Fire, Ventura County
  • Kincaide Fire, NorCal
  • Calabasas (home of Justin Bieber and Kardashians)
  • Simi Valley, Moorpark
  • UCLA-adjacent Getty Fire
  • Whittier Narrows homeless encampment
  • Fullerton Fire
  • and more on the way

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