Friday, November 29, 2019

FILM: "Vegan 2019" premiere (Nov. 30)

Plant Based News (PBN) announces the premiere of its new documentary Vegan 2019 at the Fine Arts Theatre in Beverly Hills.

In recent years the vegan movement has skyrocketed. No longer a niche environmentally-sensitive, cruelty-free food movement, the V-word now makes regular appearances in mainstream media.

Data puts the number of vegans in the UK, for example, anywhere between 600,000 and 3.5 million, depending the data source.

In a bid to investigate this phenomenal growth, PBN Founder Klaus Mitchell created Vegan 2019 -- a documentary that takes a deep-dive into how and why plant-based diets are rising in prominence. It looks at some of the most significant vegan moments of the year.

Vegan foods can taste better.
For the first time, fast food giants put plant-based "meats" center-stage. Burger King launched its "Impossible Whopper," and KFC tested plant-based mock-chicken in the US and UK.

UK stalwart Greggs saw its profits soar after launching its viral vegan sausage roll, and plant-based tech company Beyond Meat launched on the NASDAQ.

While these innovations in animal-free food garnered debate, top vegan athletes were showing how it’s not only possible to survive on a vegan diet but to thrive, excel, and beat the meat eaters.

Tennis ace and plant-based enthusiast Novak Djokovic showed mental and physical prowess beating Roger Federer in a thrilling five-set Wimbledon final.

The link between athleticism and plant-based eating is set to be explored even further, with the release of highly-anticipated documentary The Game Changers.

This year saw more people becoming aware of the environmental dangers of animal ranching. This warning was hammered home when news of Amazon Rainforest fires swept across mainstream news.

Millions of people pinned their hopes of change on teenage vegan climate activist Greta Thunberg, who fearlessly gave speeches in front of world leaders, blasting them for stealing the future from young people.

Vegan 2019 features leading names in the world of entertainment, sports, and animal advocacy, whose stories weave together to create a thrilling tapestry of a vibrant movement.

The screening will be followed by a Q&A featuring special guests. Proceeds from the screening will be used to cover the cost of the event and support the work of Plant Based News. More

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