Friday, November 29, 2019

Food industry secret: addictive SUGAR (video)

Joseph Everett (What I've Learned); Dr. Lustig; Ashley Wells, Dhr. Seven, Wisdom Quarterly
Chocolate is addictive due to sugar and toxic due to contamination (

The Food Industry's Secret Weapon (Why SUGAR is addictive and in 80% of processed foods)
Sugar is 8 times more addictive than cocaine.
This short video explores the addictive nature of sugar, why it's in all of our food (as a preservative that has the fortunate side effect of being severely addictive) and how it is affecting our brains, bodies, and overall bad health.


0:00 - Sugar is 8 times as addictive as cocaine
1:27 - Natural Drugs
2:20 - The Problem with Refinement
3:40 - Dopamine and your Reward System
4:08 - Sugar, the drug
6:15 - Is it Truly addictive?
7:03 - Sugar Tolerance
7:38 - Sugar Withdrawal
9:04 - Why Sugar is put in everything
10:29 - Brief Sugar History
11:36 - Are you addicted to Sugar?
12:03 - Try cutting it out!

Dr. Robert Lustig deserves the credit for educating many people about how sugar is affecting all of our health. Check out his talks on YouTube, his books The Hacking of the American Brain and Fat Chance, and his excellent website (

  • Clips from: Stephanie Soechtig's Fed Up
  • CBC's "The Fifth Estate: The Secrets of Sugar"
  • Damon Gameau's That Sugar Film
  • RTE One's Sugar Crash

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