Thursday, November 14, 2019

IMPEACH Con-Man-in-Chief, Part II (video)

Seth Auberon, CC Liu, Crystal Quintero, Pfc. Sandoval (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Bill Taylor's testimony closely ties Trump to Ukraine extortion (NBC/The Late Show with Stephen Colbert) On the first day of live public impeachment inquiry hearings, dramatic testimony from Acting-Ambassador to Ukraine Bill Taylor made it clear that the president was involved in illegally pressuring (bribing, extorting, manipulating for a quid pro quo/this for that) Ukraine's corrupt president to investigate the corrupt Bidens. #Monologue #Impeachment #Colbert

(TBS/Full Frontal with Samantha Bee) Trump brings on Prosperity Gospel, white-black Evangelical money-preacher Paula White. The White House will never be the same.

(RT/Redacted Tonight with Lee Camp) What do Trump and Trevor Noah, among others in the mainstream media, know about the whole sordid Jeffrey Epstein affair? Hillary and Chelsea Clinton know who funds their projects and plans. He talks with Katie Halper from the "Useful Idiots" podcast.

(HBO/Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, Summer 2019) With a national conversation underway about the possibility reality of impeachment, John Oliver discusses whether the benefits outweigh the potential political risks.
(Jimmy Kimmel Live!) We have a Crazy Person Running Our Government

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