Tuesday, November 12, 2019

LA Travel Tips: Know Before You Go (video)

LA; Chris Raney (Yellow Productions, 5/27/17); CC Liu, Crystal Q. (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Travel Tips: 13 Things to Know Before You Go to L.A.
Here are things a traveler needs to know before traveling to Los Angeles, California, the center of the known universe. L.A. is HUGE. No one will be able to see all of L.A., unless one overstays her/his welcome for a very, very long time. For instance, Los Angeles doesn't have a center. Downtown L.A. (DTLA) is as close as we get to a center, but it is no Manhattan even as it gets gentrified. "Los Angeles" is comprised of 88 cities like Beverly Hills, Hollywood, Santa Monica, and Malibu. Get a rental car. You'll need it to see most tourist attractions.
  • Twitter: ChrisRaney
  • Check out my blog at: yelloww.net

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