Thursday, December 26, 2019

Ajahn Chah: What can transcend suffering?

Ajahn Chah ( via Ven. Sujato, Ellie Askew, Dhr. Seven (ed.), Wisdom Quarterly
There are various positions for meditation: recline, sit, stand, or walk (S. G. Seyone).
Why won't this rope come unstuck?
The practice of Dharma is for leading the mind (heart) to the transcendence of suffering. The body can't transcend suffering — for having been born, it must experience pain and sickness, aging, and death.

Only the mind can transcend grasping and clinging. The Teachings of the Buddha, which we call pariyatti (theory), are skillful means (patipatti = practice) to this end (pativedha = realization).

To end all suffering
Being stuck sucks (CSP)
Trying to end suffering without first understanding the cause is like pulling on a rope that's stuck. We pull this end of the rope over here.

The other end of the rope is still stuck over there. So it never comes. What can we do to make it come over here?

It does not come free because we never seek out the source, the root of its being stuck. We get lost in pulling this end. What's it stuck on?

It must be stuck on something, and that's why it doesn't come. Go to the source, untangle the knot, and be free.

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