Sunday, December 8, 2019

Easy way to decompress the spine

Spinal traction or decompression is stretching out the back. It can be done by inverting. It helps posture, meditation, and sleep. This kind of stretching has made a noticeable improvement. The idea came from @TimFerriss's #fourhourbody. Why it works: It improves blood and lymph circulation. The circle above shows the lymph nodes on the vertebral column. Andrew Still said circa 1874, "[the importance of chiropracty/osteopathy is] found in the spinal column with all of its intricate bony framework, plus the beautiful circulation of blood and lymph through the nerve centers of the spinal cord and throughout the whole body.” Hang from a bar or, safer yet, use an inversion table. Hang completely upside down then lower yourself gradually while keeping the core engaged. Spinal traction is meant to be a "gentle" decompression process. More

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