Sunday, December 29, 2019

Guided Loving-Kindness Meditation (video)

Guided Loving-Kindness (Metta) Meditation
Sometimes, if yer lucky, I laugh.
(How do I meditate?) This loving-kindness session is a guided meditation that runs 30 minutes, the prescribed time for a sitting. It is based on the metta instructions of Ven. Vimalaramsi. Metta is part of the Four Brahma Viharas found and described in the earliest Buddhists discourses. This meditation leads directly to a deep awakening of the heart and mind.
Spend the first 10-15 minutes radiating loving-kindness to yourself and the balance of the meditation radiating loving-kindness to a "spiritual friend," a kalyana-mitta (described in the audio).

Do this daily and if progress appears, when it appears, please contact Dhamma Sukha Meditation Center for further guidance at
The book Guide to Tranquil Wisdom Insight Meditation is available (link) to accompany the complete guide, The Path to Nibbana, for the full explanation of the path to awakening using the Loving-kindness Path (Brahma Viharas) that leads to nirvana itself.

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