Friday, December 6, 2019

Women's sexuality isn't "complicated" (video)

Sarah Barmak (TEDx Toronto); Ashley Wells, CC Liu, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
I didn't finish. - Well, boohoo, look I'm crying. You don't know your body (

Women's sexuality isn't "complicated" | TEDx
Closer: Orgasmic Female Sexuality (S. Barmak)
On October 27, 2016 some of Toronto’s great thinkers and change-makers joined together onstage at TEDxToronto to deliver powerful talks and performances that embodied one theme: Symbols + Signals.

Born and raised in Thornhill, Ontario, Barmak is a freelance journalist and author. Her first book, Closer: Notes From the Orgasmic Frontier of Female Sexuality, was published in 2016, with a focus on exploring the cutting-edge science and cultural trends behind women’s sexuality.

Her message aims to reveal how women today are reshaping their sexuality in new and innovative ways – and how female sexuality is being redefined on its own terms. Barmak’s work has appeared in publications such as Maclean’s, The Globe and Mail, The Walrus, The Toronto Star, This Magazine, and Canadian Business.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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