Saturday, January 25, 2020

Flat earth debate on Coast to Coast radio

Rob Skiba (C2C); Seth Auberon, Pat Macpherson, Pfc. Sandoval (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Magnet ring, center pole, Mt. Meru
In an amazing break from standard practice, which is to not discuss topics regular host George Noory has been told to say away from, Richard Syrett dared to discuss the unspeakable: NASA and government-funded deception regarding our world, space programs, and our place in the universe by journeying into this massively taboo topic.

Of course, sadly, it was not a real debate or a talk with Eric Dubay, who is perhaps the best person to debate the science on this topic.

Views of the world from various cultures
It was really a discussion about what the Bible says and what whoever wrote the Bible believed was the shape of this world, this sky, its firmament, and the limits of the seas girded by a massive ice wall we call Antarctica, which is a ring, and an artic which is a point at the center of the circle of the portion of the earth we're told about.

Buddhist mandalas depict disc and four quarters
It was amazing that what Skiba described was pre-existing water on earth and in the sky and a being or beings who "inscribed" a circle in a square as if someone chiseled a mandala into the frozen ocean and the water melted. The ancient Vedic, Hindu, Buddhist, and Jain conceptions of the shape of the world we live in match in general and differ in a few details.

Moreover, all cultures from Native Americans to the Norse had the same sort of view on the matter, as if shamans and rishis were seeing the same general thing and describing it in their own language according to things their cultures would readily understand.

Climb a building, look for hundreds of miles.
The subject of the flat earth is a "taboo" topic that’s trending high on Google and YouTube, but why?

[Could it be because deceptions by NASA and .gov organizations have so many holes in it, and the verifiable science on the side of the earth being a flat plane not a ball planet is mounting? Observations contradicting the story we are all taught and forced to learn and documented for centuries.]

Christian, moviemaker, flat earth researcher Rob Skiba joins Coast to Coast AM Guest-Host Richard Syrett (Twitter) to discuss why this subject is quite viable for surprisingly verifiable reasons with biblical passages -- in addition to many other nonChristian religious sources with similar cosmologies and cosmographies -- that state that the earth is indeed a plane. More + AUDIO

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