Friday, January 31, 2020

Free life-changing weekend event: Unsinkable via Lisa Garr (Aware Show); Amber Larson, CC Liu (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Hi, I'm Lisa Garr!
Lisa Garr says she just heard about something unbelievably special happening THIS Saturday. She highly recommends you attend. (And it won’t cost you a cent!)

Many of the top "Bounce Back” experts, teachers, and motivational speakers from the blockbuster hit movie Unsinkable: The Secret to Bouncing Back are coming together in a powerful FREE all-day “Unsinkable” global online conference.

The focus will be on one thing – YOU and how YOU can live YOUR greatest life in 2020! Go here to reserve your spot now.

This brand new exclusive event is hosted by Garr's good friend Sonia Ricotti. She is a #1 bestselling author, one of the top "Bounce Back” (resiliency) experts in the world, and the executive producer of the Unsinkable movie.

Resilient: How to quickly bounce back

Thanks, Lisa. This sounds like "The Secret" all over again. So I can be a millionaire, too?
This is truly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity where you can learn from Bob Proctor, Lisa Nichols, John Assaraf, Les Brown, Rhonda Britten, Shellyann Siddoo, and Marci Shimoff!

With a front row seat to this all-day event, here’s a sneak peek at some of the life-changing sessions you’ll experience:
  • Famous motivational salespeople
    Sonia Ricotti: 3 Steps to Bouncing Back BIG and Living Your Greatest Life!
  • Bob Proctor: Shift Your Paradigm, Shift Your Destiny
  • Lisa Nichols: Winners Never Quit: Rising Above the Impossible
  • John Assaraf: How to Reprogram Your Brain for Success in 2020
  • Marci Shimoff: The Secret to being Happy (Even When Life Isn’t Perfect)
  • Rhonda Britten: Forgiving the Unforgivable
  • Les Brown: Mind Over Health: The Magic of Believing
  • Sonia Ricotti: 6 Steps to Manifesting Money in 2020
  • …and LOTS more!
This is one of those “must attend” events, so make sure you reserve your spot and block off your calendar to be there. Go here to reserve a spot now.

P.S. Because of the long length of this event, it will most likely not be recorded. Do everything you can to attend the entire event. It’s going to be incredible! This is one you really don’t want to miss!

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