Sunday, January 5, 2020

Who is translator Bhikkhu Bodhi? (video); Dhr. Seven, Crystal Quintero (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Bhikkhu Bodhi LIVE in Los Angeles
Bhikkhu Bodhi is the most prolific American-English translator of ancient Buddhist texts. He formerly served as editor-in-chief of the Buddhist Publication Society.

Links to sutra texts are available for e-book platforms such as the Kindle, Nook, and Sony Reader. Unlisted sutra e-books (.mobi or .epub) may be shared in the comments. Downoading is easy. Wisdom Publication editions support Kindle, .epub, .pdf.

The Wisdom of the Buddha Series is now available as a three-file download directly from the Wisdom Publications website (

Bhikkhu Bodhi at Insight: Working with eye pain - a translator's dilemma

By purchasing through the Wisdom website rather than Amazon, you will get an .epub and .pdf format as well as Kindle. And the files will be free of the DRM (restrictive copy protection), so you'll be free to use them on any device. To find them, simply do a title search. More

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