Monday, February 24, 2020

Harvey Weinstein CONVICTED of rape

Laura Newberry, James Queally (Los Angeles Times,, Feb. 24, 2020 9:15 am); Ashley Wells, Seth Auberon, Crystal Quintero, CC Liu (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Weinstein, the convicted rapist, was immediately hauled off to jail hospital (Toronto Times).
Harvey Weinstein found guilty of rape in sexual assault trial
But I haven't been convicted in L.A. yet.
NEW YORK, New York - Harvey Weinstein was found guilty of rape and a felony sex crime today (Feb. 24), marking a climactic end to a [very rape-centric] high-profile case that in some ways serves as vindication of the #MeToo Movement.

Those two counts were connected to individual allegations made by Mimi Haley, a former Weinstein Co. production assistant, and Jessica Mann, a once-aspiring actress.

Weinstein was acquitted on the two most serious charges of predatory sexual assault, which each carried a potential life sentence.

Weinstein, 69, appeared to be staring ahead while a half-dozen court officers surrounded him just after the verdict was delivered. The movie producer struggled to get up from his seat as he was handcuffed and escorted out of the courtroom.

I can't believe I have to go to jail right away.
Judge James Burke ordered Weinstein to be held in custody until his sentencing March 11.

Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. listed the names of the six accusers who testified during the trial, as well as the prosecutors who brought Weinstein to justice, Joan Illuzzi-Orbon and Meghan Hast.

“These are eight women who pulled our justice system into the 21st century,” Vance told a swarm of reporters.

Weinstein’s lead attorney, Donna Rotunno, said Weinstein was “shocked” and that he would appeal the decision.

The jury deliberated for five days after listening to weeks of emotional testimony from a half-dozen women who said that the fallen Hollywood titan used his influence and the promise of potential acting roles to lure them to isolated locations, where he then forced himself on them after they resisted his advances.

One in hand, how many still in bush?
Prosecutors did not have forensic evidence or corroborating witnesses to any of the assaults, and Weinstein’s defense attorneys had insisted each alleged encounter was consensual. But after a case that was in many ways considered the culmination of the #MeToo movement, the jurors ultimately chose to believe the women’s accusations over the protestations of their alleged rapist.

Though the charges were based on the allegations of two women, the shadow of the many others who had come forward loomed over the case from the start. Jurors were chosen specifically for their professed ability to ignore media coverage and decide the case based only on evidence heard in court.

During the six-week trial, a physically diminished Weinstein shuffled in and out of a 15th-floor courtroom with the aid of a walker. He appeared stoic as six accusers testified; they faced hours of cross-examination, and some broke into tears as they recounted their alleged encounters with the once formidable movie producer.

Weinstein did not testify in his own defense, so prosecutors were unable to interrogate him about his alleged conduct. More

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