Monday, February 24, 2020

Namaste Trump in India (video)

DD News (Doordarshan, India's PBS, 2/24/20); Seth Auberon, Ashley Wells, Wisdom Quarterly

(DD News) Well hated U.S. President Donald John Trump joins beloved right wing Hindu nationalist leader Prime Minister Nerendra Modi in addressing #NamasteTrump at Motera Stadium in Ahmedabad, India. Trump believes this is the largest gathering in the history of India, when it is less than 1% of the size of India's largest, the Kumbha Mela events, which are the largest human gatherings for any purpose. But don't tell Trump, as his ego might not be able to handle the truth. PM Modi is the Trump of India, like Duterte in the Philippines.

Namaste Trump: Why is Trump in India?
(Crux+, Feb. 19, 2020) U.S. Pres. Trump's visit to the AMC (Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation) stadium tweeted a series of "Namaste Trump" posts. Pres. Trump and PM Modi will visit Sabarmati Ashram where Gandhi is interred along the 22 km-long route from the airport for a roadshow of 50,000 lining the way.

Mrs. Trump and husband, John, visit Muslim Taj Mahal, Agra, India

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