Sunday, March 22, 2020

Coronavirus updates: Is martial law coming?

Ron Brackett, Jan Wesner Childs (; Pfc. Sandoval, A. Wells, Wisdom Quarterly

Coronavirus updates: With cases climbing above 328,000, WHO expert says lockdowns aren't enough

  • Big Brother is watching and waiting for you.
    COVID-19 [5G FLU] has killed more than 14,300 people around the world.
  • Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky has tested positive for COVID-19 [payback for his dad publicly saying coronavirus is a "hoax"].
  • Louisiana and Ohio instituted "stay at home" orders.
  • VP Mike Pence and Second Lady Karen tested negative for the coronavirus.
  • Instead of a nationwide lockdown, Germany has banned gatherings of more than two people.
As governments in the U.S. and around the world impose more restrictions to [exercise dictatorial powers while saying it is only to] stop the spread of COVID-19, an emergency health expert says locking down societies alone isn't enough.

Freeze! What are you doing outside?
“What we really need to focus on is [Martial Law then] finding those who are sick, those who have the virus, and isolate them, find their contacts [by looking at personal cell phone data] and isolate them,” said Executive Director Mike Ryan of the World Health Organization's Health Emergencies Program.

“If we don’t put in place the strong public health measures now, when those movement restrictions and lockdowns are lifted, the danger is the disease will jump back up,” Ryan opined in an interview Sunday on the BBC’s “Andrew Marr Show.”

The number of confirmed cases of the new coronavirus topped 329,000 on Sunday, according to Johns Hopkins. More than 14,375 deaths have been recorded. The U.S. has at least 32,081 cases and 400 deaths.

Latest Developments in United States
  • Isn't this what we been prepping for, Wally?
    The Department of Defense announced Sunday that 111 members of the military have tested positive for coronavirus. In addition, 32 civilian employees, 37 dependents and 31 contractors also have tested positive.
  • Utah reported its first death related to COVID-19. The Davis County man over the age of 60 had underlying health problems. He had been at Lakeview Hospital in Bountiful for two days before his death.
  • Louisiana's Gov. John Bel Edwards issued an executive order Sunday closing all non-essential businesses in the state and telling residents to "stay at home unless they are performing an essential activity," such as buying food or medicine, going to a doctor's office or traveling to and from work.
  • Gov. Mike DeWine on Sunday said Ohio residents will be under a "stay-at-home order" from 11:59 p.m. Monday until April 6, reported. The order allows people to leave their home to pick up essential supplies and to go outside to remain active or walk a dog. It also closes certain nonessential businesses.
  • Delaware Gov. John Carney issued a stay at home order Sunday that takes effect at 8 a.m. Tuesday.
  • Sen. Rand Paul, a Republican from Kentucky, has tested positive for COVID-19. A tweet on Sunday said he has no symptoms and is in quarantine. Rand was not aware of any direct contact with any infected person. Senators said they will seek medical advice after learning that Paul had been in the gym with colleagues Sunday morning and had sat close to others during Senate lunches in recent days. More

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