Friday, April 24, 2020

Buddhist teachers form "Dharma Relief"

Rod Meade Sperry (Lions Roar, 4/14/20); Pat Macpherson, Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Buddhist teachers offer coronavirus-age advice in new Dharma Relief video
Ken Shoriak and Paul Martin (Dharma Relief)
"Dharma Relief" — the online response to the coronavirus panic crisis created by Guo Gu of the Tallahassee Chan Center — put out a video featuring multiple Buddhist teachers offering advice and leading us in practices to help us in the face of COVID-19.
  • System director of operations and development rep at Lee Health Foundation Hospital, Fort Myers, Florida. Dharma Relief reports 300,000 masks have been shipped (Paul Martin).
Included in the video are Guo Gu, Jack Kornfield (Spirit Rock Meditation Center), Dharma Drum Abbot Guo Yuan, Rinzai Zen teacher Meido Moore, Tibetan Buddhist teacher Thubten Chodron, Zen teacher John Tarrant, Narayan Helen Liebenson (Cambridge Insight Meditation Center), Dharma Drum Abbess and teacher Chang Wu, Barre Center for Buddhist Studies executive director Richard Henning, and Rinzai Zen teacher Jeff Shore.

Kwan Yin: Buddhist Goddess of Compassion
The Dharma Relief effort, which began with trying to secure medical masks for health workers, is working. Reports Guo Gu:

“Since we started this on March 30th, with your help, we have r[aise]d $485,000 — only $15,000 short of our goal. Your continued support and spreading the message is so vital. Since then we’ve funneled that money to create masks and have shipped out 300,000 masks already! We have updated our website with infographs to reflect this transparency, (Click 'our process' on the top menu).” More

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