Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Why a pandemic? CV and 5G connection

David via Bitchute, London Real; Pfc. Sandoval, Seth Auberon, Wisdom Quarterly

No "virus": poisoned cells excrete exosomes.
Finally, someone explains WHY, not only how, the world is locked down by a hoax scare, an exaggerated annual coronavirus flu. The common cold is also caused by a coronavirus. What is a "virus"? Dr. Thomas Cowan, MD, quoting Rudolf Steiner and investigative science journalist Arthur Firstenberg (author of Invisible Rainbow), says there is no such cell. What is there are exosomes, excretions of poisoned cells containing RNA, DNA, and other material.

What does he get for his efforts? Censored, banned on YouTube, relegated to

Coronavirus terror: Is COVID-19 alarmism being used to seize our civil rights and manipulate economies? Governments are catching on and taking advantage of the situation. As one of the world’s eminent interpreters of what's really going on, David Icke (pronounced ike) is a regular guest on London Real, discussing topics as controversial and diverse as 5G, 9/11, and internet censorship. He is a renegade who speaks out against Orwellian manipulations of society. More

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