Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Bill Gates' WHO and China's cover up (video)

Since the novel coronavirus (aka SARS CoV-2 or Covid-19) escaped China and developed into the worst pandemic since the 1918 H1N1 "Spanish" Flu that infected 500 million, killing 50-100 million, China has accepted no responsibility for originating the virus [manipulating it from an animal host to be able to contaminate humans].

China kept the coronavirus epidemic quiet from November 2019, getting Ethiopian World Health Organization (W.H.O.) Director-General Tedros Adhanom to maintain secrecy until W.H.O. finally admitted on March 11 that it was a global pandemic, three months after world governments could do anything to prevent its spread.
  • [Who are the top funders of W.H.O.? None other than multi-billionaire profit-driven vaccination advocate Bill Gates and formerly the US government. Pres. Trump just put a stop to US funding after discovering how much W.H.O. did to infect the world.]
With 1,910,189 total cases and 118,517 deaths worldwide, the harm from the virus has broken all records in terms of hospitalizations and deaths [although the U.S. is inflating the numbers by instructing hospitals to code unknown and uncertain cases as Covid-19 related].

China has never acknowledged how it unleashed the virus on the people of Wuhan, China, watching it jump borders to infect the world [because of its many international travelers, we are told, traveled out into the world without ever contaminating Beijing].

Now China is cracking down on research into its origin. China faces a growing liability with many United Nations (UN) member-states who want China to pay reparations for the tragic human toll. More importantly, they want China to pay for the loss of about $25 trillion to world economies.

Loss of business and industry from the SARS CoV-2 could plunge the world economy into a great depression in 2020. Some analysts predict a U.S. unemployment rate rising over 20%, with recent unemployment claims of over 14 million [some say over 17 million]. But, no, China refuses to accept responsibility for releasing the virus first on Wuhan then the world.

Because W.H.O. Director-General Tedros refused to acknowledge the severity of the epidemic in China until March 11th, the world lost precious time to take preventive measures and mitigation efforts to stop the virus from spreading worldwide.

China’s communist government reported today that any academic papers about the origin of the coronavirus are subject to government vetting.

Two days after Director Tedros admitted the SARS CoV-2 epidemic had become a global pandemic, Foreign Ministry Spokesman Zhao Lijian said on March 13 that the U.S. military planted the virus in Wuhan.

Reports of the probable cause focus on a wild animal wet market, where infected exotic animals were sold into Wuhan’s food supply. Zhao wanted to make sure that no one implicated the Chinese Institute of Virology in Wuhan -- only miles from that wild wet animal market, specifically its bioweapons lab -- for the possible leak that resulted in human-to-human infection in Wuhan.

Reports about the novel coronavirus stemming from bats [of a variety that lives 600 miles from Wuhan] have been known for some time. What’s not known are the secret experiments going on at Wuhan’s Institute of Virology, where scientists test deadly viruses on laboratory animals, like pangolins.

China has taken extraordinary steps to prevent the world from knowing what happened. More

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