Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Kanye knew pandemic was coming? (video)

Apple Music, Kanye West, edited by MuchDank; Pfc. Sandoval, S. Auberon, Wisdom Quarterly

Mental new billionaire Kanye West predicted 2020 pandemic?
(MuchDank) Kanye rambled, and nobody listened. What did he know on Oct. 24, 2019? The full video is called "Kanye West: Jesus is King, Sunday Service, and Being Born Again | Apple Music":

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WHO told Kanye?
You'd tell me, right, Jeff? - I got girls for you.
Multi-billionaire vaccine profiteer Bill Gates -- the major contributor to WHO -- is not the only one who knew a coronavirus was coming, the likes of SARS-1 and Ebola. He told everyone in a TED Talk with a picture of the characteristic "virus" (actually an exosome vesicle from a poisoned cell, as explained by Dr. Thomas Cowan MD, Rudolf Steiner, Arthur Firstenberg, David Icke and others, with RNA and DNA expelled not "replicated" by that cell).

(Big Boy TV, 9/25/19) Kanye is a mental case even in Middle America

Unhinged businessman and newly minted billionaire Kanye West, who enriched himself selling overpriced sneakers and branded fashions, talked about it months in advance from his escape ranch in Wyoming. A friend of Trump and other prominent celebrities, likely including Bill Gates since he said he was going to tap the multibillionaire for a billion one time, West had some inside information that sounds like far more than speculation. When asked when, he answered April. He talked about China, the cancellation of Coachella, a pandemic, and many deaths.

(Q/T) Is coronavirus/COVID-19 a HOAX, Mr. Pompeo? No comment.

Electrification is the cause.
It is also interesting that militaristic Sec'y of State Pompeo said, "We're in a live exercise here" (see video) during a press conference. And dimwit Trump was surprised to hear it, responding: "You should have let us know." Semi-phony psychic Sylvia Brown predicted this pandemic in detail in a book, where she added that it would disappear suddenly and return much later.

If it is caused 5G bombardment, it certainly can stop suddenly, but it will be back because the dream of 5G is too important to the plan to have an "Internet of things," AI, self-driving cars, robotics replacing human workers, and other Orwellian plans.

CONCLUSION: Kanye West didn't seem to know anything, judging from watching the full version of the interview. We label it a hoax. But the others point to coronavirus being something other than what the media propaganda around it suggests. Look into it.

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