Tuesday, April 21, 2020

"Peak oil" lie: gas market crashes (video)

Mike Maloney; Dylan Ratigan; Pfc. Sandoval, Seth Auberon, CC Liu (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
(The Jimmy Dore Show) Dylan Ratigan explains the fall of oil and collapse of the US economy.
Oil Armageddon: What will it mean?
Mike Maloney has a best-selling book (free at pages.goldsilver.com/freebook). Today, the world changed. In this special report he explains what "Oil Armageddon" means for the world, country, family, and your future. Buckle up. And thank you for sharing this video far and wide. Free newsletter? Go to goldsilver.com.

What is peak oil?
"Peak oil" is the theorized point in time when the maximum rate of extraction of toxic petroleum is reached, after which it is expected to enter terminal decline.

As of 2020, peak oil forecasts range from the early 2020s to the 2040s, depending on economics and how governments respond to global warming alarmism. It is often confused with oil depletion.

However, whereas depletion refers to a period of falling reserves and supply, PEAK OIL refers to the point of maximum production.

The concept of peak oil is often credited to geologist M. King Hubbert, whose 1956 paper first presented a formal theory. Peak oil occurs when the cost of oil extraction exceeds the price consumers will pay.
  • What's it called when, after the lie of scarcity is revealed, oil production outpaces consumer demand, consumption, or even ability to store the stuff out of the ground? Let's leave it in the ground. Of course, it's not our choice, is it? Corporations rule the world.
Most early analyses concentrated on increasing costs of extraction and assumed that demand would drive costs higher. More recent analyses concentrate on drop in demand as alternatives to oil become more attractive. More

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