Monday, April 13, 2020

UCLA: Free Weekly Mindfulness Meditation

Director of Mindfulness Education Diana Winston (Mindful Awareness Research Center @ UCLA); Dhr. Seven, Ananda M., Jen B. (Dharma Buddhist Meditation), Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

UCLA's Mindful Awareness Research Center
The Buddha Siddhartha Gautama
For an introduction to mindfulness meditation to practice at home, download the UCLA Mindful App (iTunes/Google Play) or stream them by clicking "play." To download, right-click "play" then click "save link as." Recorded by UCLA MARC's Director of Mindfulness Education Diana Winston.
Dharma Buddhist Meditation @ Mondays and Thurs. 12:30-1:00 PM

UCLA's MARC guided meditations online ( Mondays and Thursdays.

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