Thursday, May 28, 2020

Minneapolis burns police station (video)

WCCO 4 (CBS); Pfc. Sandoval, Ashley Wells, Seth Auberon, Sheldon S., Wisdom Quarterly

"A riot is the language of the unheard" - MLK.
The racist white officer, who had 18 previous complaints through Internal Affairs filed against him yet was never disciplined, murdered a black man as his fellow officer backed him up and kept others who might have intervened away. Wonder why citizens are rising up. They are also rising up in downtown Los Angeles, Venice Beach, and Louisiana. Before long, others similarly oppressed will march and perhaps riot when police plant "agent provocateurs" to instigate them.

(CBS Minnesota) This footage is live overnight from Minneapolis. Antifa has joined in. Things have devolved in some quarters to arson, looting, mayhem, and at least one demonstrator has been killed. Will the killer cop be blamed for the unrest and vandalism he set off, or will those who aided and abetted him and are complicit in the murder/killing, or those who are now acting as an occupying force?

Question: Should American police departments continue to fly to Israel to be trained by Israeli militants and mercenaries of the offensive IDF (Israeli "Defense" Force) war machine? Maybe such training leads to the escalation of unrest to deadly rioting, as police learn how to make that happen. Israeli militants constantly set up Palestinians to justify their crackdowns in the eyes of the international media.

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