Saturday, May 30, 2020

Other people Derek Chauvin has killed

Finlay Greig (; Pfc. Sandoval, Pat Macpherson, Seth Auberon, Wisdom Quarterly
Killer cop Derek Chauvin's wife files for divorce after he kills George Floyd (TMZ).
Jimmy Dore: My father was a cop. I'll tell you about cops, who joins, who gets weeded out...
Who is Derek Chauvin?
Ofc. Chauvin's "Make Whites Great Again" cap
Officer Derek Chauvin, 44, is a 19-year veteran with the Minneapolis Police Department. [His wife has just filed for divorce from the ignominious racist murder suspect.]

According to police department records, Officer Chauvin has been involved in multiple police-involved shootings during his career.
  • [NOTE: Officer Chauvin had 18 complaints lodged against him in his 19 years but was "punished" with only two written reprimands for one of those incidents.]
Officer Chauvin was placed on leave in 2011 following the shooting of a Native American man, according to The Daily Beast.
I love being a cop! I get to kill, I get raises.
In 2008 Officer Chauvin shot and wounded Ira Latrell Toles after responding to a domestic assault call. Toles is said to have reached for an officer’s gun [a common cover story police use to justify their criminal, out-of-policy actions] when Officer Chauvin shot him in the abdomen.

Officer Chauvin and five other officers shot and killed Wayne Reyes, 42, in 2006, when he allegedly pulled a shotgun on responding officers [which is good to say to avoid discipline when you murder an innocent suspect].

Who is Officer Tou Thao?
Racist Asian Officer Thao engaged in police brutality and now murder (
Ofc. Thao stands (left), complicit in murder, guarding fellow officers who kill George Floyd.
I'm a brutal cop. I'm Officer Thao (
Officer Thao also featured in footage of George Floyd’s excessive force arrest and killing by three police. Officer Thao could be seen blocking bystanders who might have stopped Officer Chauvin from kneeling on and killing Mr. Floyd.

Officer Thao is a ten-year veteran of the force who was sued by a man, Lamar Ferguson, in 2014 alleging that Officer Thao “punch[ed], kick[ed], and kn[eed]” the plaintiff in the “face and body” resulting in “broken teeth as well as other bruising and trauma.”

Is it "murder" if I just helped them kill him?
Officer Thao and fellow responding police are said to have stopped and searched the plaintiff and his pregnant wife without cause or legal justification.

Officer Thao and the other officers took Mr. Ferguson to the hospital for medical treatment before dragging him to jail wearing only his underwear and t-shirt, despite pleas from hospital staff. The case was settled out of court. More

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