Tuesday, May 5, 2020

String Theory and the End of Space and Time

Prof. Robbert Dijkgraaf, Flagey, 8/26/19; Pat Macpherson, Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

(Scienceandcocktails.org) In the framework of the largest string theory conference in the world, Strings 2019, "Science and Cocktails" [or Drunk Science] organized a special event at Flagey in Brussels.

OMG, you guys are drunk doing "science."
Sipping cocktails in a cheesy art-deco building with string theorist and science "superstar" Robbert Dijkgraaf [dick-graft] as he boasted about the fundamental laws of Nature. Afterwards, cellist and composer Benjamin Glorieux performed a musical piece together with invited guests commissioned for the occasion, while live-video artist Klaas Verpoest accompanied them with his visual magic. [One illusion deserves another.]

How many strings, 11...or 13? I think 13.
What is string theory? What happens to stuff that falls inside a black hole [assuming black holes exist, but there's math we say says they do]? What are the fundamental building blocks of space and time? [The Buddhists say kalapas, but science says it's sparticles and stuff.] Did Nature have any choice in picking the fundamental laws of physics? What is the role of mathematics in physics? This talk by Prof. Dijkgraaf was recorded on July 13, 2019.

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