Thursday, May 28, 2020

When will I become enlightened? (video)

Urban Gardening; Ajahn Chah; Ven. Sujato, Ellie Askew, Dhr. Seven (ed.), Wisdom Quarterly

“If it isn't good, let it die away. If it doesn't die, make it good.”
―Ajahn Chah

Let it be. Purify the mind. It will happen.
If we realize enlightenment (awakening from illusion) in this lifetime, that’s fine. If we have to wait until our next life, no matter. We have confidence (faith) and unfaltering conviction in the Dharma.

Whether we progress quickly or slowly is up to our innate capabilities, spiritual aptitude, and the merit we’ve accumulated so far.

Practicing like this puts the heart at ease. It’s like we’re riding in a horse cart. We don’t put the cart before the horse.

Or it’s like trying to plough a rice paddy while walking in front of our water buffalo rather than behind it.

What I’m saying here is that the mind is getting ahead of itself. It’s impatient to get quick results.

That’s not the way to do it. Don’t walk in front of the water buffalo. We have to walk behind the water buffalo.

It’s just like that chili plant we are nurturing. Give it water and fertilizer, and it will do the job of absorbing the nutrients. When ants or termites come to infest it, we chase them away. Doing just this much is enough for the chili to grow beautifully on its own.

When I let it, iIt suddenly bloomed all by itself.
And once it is growing beautifully, we don’t try to force it to flower when we think it should flower. It’s none of our business. Trying will just create useless suffering. Allow it to bloom on its own. And once flowers bloom, don’t demand that it immediately produce chili peppers. Don’t resort to coercion. That really causes suffering!

Once we figure this out, we understand what our responsibilities are and what they are not. Each has their specific duty to fulfil. The mind knows its role in the work to be done. If the mind doesn’t understand its role, it will try to force the chili plant to produce peppers on the very day we plant it.

The mind will insist that it grow, flower, and come to fruition (produce peppers) all in one day.

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