Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Co-19 alarmism: "Hospitalization" redefined

Bit; Jimmy Dore; Pfc. Sandoval, Seth Auberon, CC Liu (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Do you believe your own eyes or the media? This picture of a SoCal beach, they would have you believe, is a scene of mass murder as beachgoers contract and spread the current coronavirus, cause of the common cold and annual flus (Allen J. Schaben/LA Times). IT'S ALARMISM!
(Disclosure Library, 5/5/20) WARNING: Banned! Do not watch! Plandemic is a documentary film about the global plan to control our health, liberty, and lives.
Sure you weren't hospitalized, but...
If one goes to the doctor, one will be tested by swab or blood or both. If testers determine one has or has ever been exposed to anything currently being called "Covid-19," and the definition of that changes since tests differ, are undependable, and are subject to political influences, one then goes home. That brief visit is being counted as a "hospitalization." The upshot of this semantic manipulation is a "spike" in hospitalizations. Most people are not getting ill. It's unlikely that anyone should worry themselves sick. But the media will worry us, saying that people are asymptomatic spreaders.
I'm scared! Should I obey the authorities?
We're killing those with underlying co-morbidities or preexisting conditions, like age, obesity, or compromised immune systems. The facts is that cases are down, but anybody exposed to the mainstream media would think they were up and that things are worse than ever. Never has it been clearer how we are manipulated by Big Pharma, the media, and the popular propagandist (and Big Pharma investor) Dr. Tony Fauci, famous for killing so many during the AIDS terror he worked on. Bill "For Profit" Gates must be happy as he and others try to fan the flames of hysteria about the latest flu.

ABOUT: Plandemic is a banned documentary. Humanity is imprisoned by a killer pandemic. People are being arrested for meditating in nature and surfing in the ocean. Nations are collapsing. Hungry citizens are rioting for food. The media has generated so much confusion and fear that people are begging for salvation in a dangerous vaccine syringe needle. Billionaire patent owners like W.H.O.'s Bill Gates are pushing for universally ordered vaccines or pharmaceutical experiments/treatments. Anyone who refuses to be injected with experimental poisons will be prohibited from work, travel, and education....

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