Sunday, June 28, 2020

How cops, paramedic killed Elijah McClain

Gabe Gutierrez, David K. Li (NBC News); Pfc. Sandoval, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

"There are some MURDERERS with badges in there" [the police station] (
A supporter holds a shirt on June 19 in Denver to bring attention to the police-killing of Elijah McClain last August in Aurora, Colorado (David Zalubowski/AP).
Colorado police officers involved in death of Elijah McClain taken off the streets
The deadly police confrontation with a young Black man in the Denver suburb of Aurora is getting renewed scrutiny.
But he was black in Colorado. That's what we do.
Three killer cops in Colorado involved in the killing of a 23-year-old Black man with impunity last year have suddenly been moved to "non-enforcement" duties due to the heat created by the George Floyd protests.

Mr. Elijah McClain's arrest and homicide by police and paramedics has suddenly merited renewed scrutiny, officials said Friday [6/26/20].

The Aurora Police Department said the action was "done in an effort to protect those officers" who arrested McClain on Aug. 24, 2019 then used so much force and poor judgment that they ended up with his death on their hands.

"They are now [comfortably] working in a non-enforcement capacity," Detective Faith Goodrich said. "This can be in a variety of different assignments but is usually administrative in nature." [It's like a vacation with the same pay and privileges and perks.]
    The murderers (paramedic not shown)
    Officers wrapped up in the homicide of Mr. McClain -- Nathan Woodyard and Jason Rosenblatt -- were moved to desk duty on June 13, and Officer Randy Roedema was re-assigned on June 20, officials said.

    They had a hand in killing McClain, who was pronounced dead on Aug. 27, 2019, three days after they confronted him when answering a call about a suspicious [i.e., young Black] person in the area.

    Officers then applied a deadly chokehold as they escalated their aggressive confrontation, authorities have said [though they used euphemisms to conceal the gravity of the situation]….
    • The coroner for the counties of Adams and Broomfield determined that McClain's death was due to "undetermined causes." But he did not rule out whether the violent police chokehold, in addition to the shocking administration of the dangerous sedative ketamine (street name "Special K") paramedics chose to inject into Mr. McClain, might have contributed to his death.
    Protesters across the nation have been calling for action against systemic racism and police brutality since the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis. More
    • What is KETAMINE? This medication is mainly used for starting and maintaining anesthesia. It induces a trance-like state while providing pain relief [Why would he need relief unless police had used excessive force?], sedation, and memory loss. Other uses include sedation in intensive care and treatment of pain... Common side effects include agitation, confusion, or hallucinations as the medication wears off. Elevated blood pressure and muscle tremors are also common.... More

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