Monday, July 6, 2020

Judge orders Dakota Access Pipeline shut

(Fox Business, Monday, July 6, 2020) Judge orders shutdown of the Dakota Access Pipeline (#DAPL) by August 5, 2020 after three years of operation: A district court judge has ordered DAP to be shut down and emptied by the deadline. Native American Water Defenders of the Sioux tribe and others in the Standing Rock face-off are elated. Business interests are unhappy.

Flashback: Dakota Access oil pipeline co. attacks Natives with dogs and pepper spray
We need to optimize this commodity for profit.
(9/6/16) Democracy Now! goes to North Dakota, where security guards working for the Dakota Access pipeline company are attacking Native Americans with dogs and pepper spray as they resist the company's $3.8 billion pipeline construction. If completed, the pipeline will transport half a million barrels of crude a day from North Dakota’s Bakken Oil Field to Illinois, where it would meet up with another pipeline to move it down to Texas. The pipeline has faced months of resistance from the Standing Rock Sioux tribe and members of nearly 100 additional tribes from across the U.S. and Canada. Lawyers for the tribe have filed documents showing how land Dakota Access would bulldoze is, in fact, a tribal burial site. This is a Democracy Now! exclusive report.

When they sent in the dogs

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