Thursday, August 13, 2020

All lives don't matter until black lives matter

Laugh Planet, July 30, 2020; Ashley Wells, Sheldon S., Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
WARNING: Vulgar language, profanity, truth telling, promotion of racial stereotypes, anti-PC!

Comedians on WHITE people featuring Eddie Griffin ("Voodoo Child"), Aries Spears ("Hollywood, Look I'm Smiling"), Bill Burr ("Paper Tiger" on Netflix), Dave Chappelle ("For what it's worth"), Patrice O'Neal ("Elephant in the Room).

Social media:, YouTube, Contact: (for video removal, credits, promotions). #White #Standup #Comedy #BillBurr #LaughPlanet.

Are we protesting ourselves, Dad? - We must.
Why is it okay to make fun of Caucasians but not African Americans? The answer, according to white stand up comedian Jimmy Dore, is called "punching up." This is not a matter of further oppressing oppressed people, or "punching down," but of leveling the playing field to build an equitable society that doesn't pretend we are all already equal. We are in principle but not in practice. When we are socially equal then it will not be okay, but until then, it's not.

(Frankenstein's Lab, 6/29/20) Trevor Noah Being Black in America reaction

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