Thursday, August 27, 2020

Outing bad Kenosha cop Rusten Sheskey

Lee Brown (New York Post, Aug. 26, 2020); Sheldon S., Ashley Well (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

BLM activist Shaun King threatens to name innocent cops as Jacob Blake shooter
Accused fraudster Shaun King is threatening to name innocent cops as Jacob Blake’s shooter if the Kenosha Police Department doesn’t release the identity of the officer who did, [according to allegedly biased reporter].

“If you do not name the officer who brutally shot Jacob Blake on Sunday, we will simply begin naming officers from your department who may or may not be him,” the pro-police-reform Black Lives Matter activist threatened online.

“F–k it. Your protection of his identity is unethical. What’s his name?” King wrote in a message “to the Kenosha Police Department” that he pinned to the top of his Twitter thread.

The Brooklyn-based King later tweeted the names of two Kenosha officers.

In one case, he named an officer, saying “people thought he shot Jacob Blake.” In the other, he asked followers to compare photos of a named officer and an unnamed cop on the scene of the shooting.

“POLICE COULD END THIS RIGHT NOW. They are deliberately protecting the man who shot Jacob. What’s his name?” he wrote. More

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