Friday, August 28, 2020

Republican Nat'l Con: summary (video)

Vice; Reuters; Vice; NY Post; S. Auberon, Ashley Wells, Pfc. Sandoval (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Latina firebrand, aggressive prosecutor, ex-wife of CA Gov. Newsom: Kimberly Guilfoyle
Reptilian spirit possesses Trump, snake out of his head, vile face hissing at others.

Gawdammit, I'm the dictator of law and order!
UPDATE: Houston’s Democratic mayor moved to block the Republican Party (the GOP or "Grand Old Party") of Texas from holding a massive indoor [Covid] convention in his city on Wednesday, citing an exploding number of coronavirus cases in the city.

Texas is posting record-high numbers of coronavirus cases, but that isn’t stopping Republicans from planning a massive indoor convention in the state’s hardest-hit city.

We wish we were invited after being loyal to Donald, and we want pardons for our crimes.
The Republican Party of Texas is just a week away from gathering at least 5,000 people for its state convention in Houston, even though the city’s Democratic mayor is begging them to reconsider.

The state’s GOP leaders insist they can handle the health hazards — and that the risks are worth taking.

How did that go? Did I fool Republicans?
“New viruses are going to come, and life has to continue. We can’t live in a world where there’s never again a live, in-person concert or convention or gathering of people to peaceably assemble and address their grievances with the government.

"That would be anti-American, and I am proud and pleased to be part of a group trying to make sure that dystopian future never becomes a reality,” Republican Party of Texas Chairman Jimmy Dickey told VICE News Wednesday morning. More

Repub. Guilfoyle and Dem. Gavin Newsom
Did brassy Guilfoyle go GOP to screw Newsom?
California Governor Gavin Newsom declined to speak ill of ex-wife Kimberly Guilfoyle after she called out the state [of California] for its handling of current drug and homelessness crises during her Republican National Convention address.

Gov. Newsom, a Democrat who was married to the former Fox News host from 2001 to 2006, was taking questions from reporters Wednesday when he was asked:

Is it wrong to call Kellyanne Conway hideous?
“I’m curious if you are watching the RNC, and if you had a response to your ex-wife who said in prime time...that California is ‘a land of discarded heroin needles in parks, riots in streets, and blackouts in homes.'”

How about calling her hypocrite and simpleton?
The California governor acknowledged that his lack of an answer “may leave you wanting,” but still declined to address his ex’s comments on the state of his state.

“Let me just extend appreciation for your effort to get my response, and I respectfully defer to the next question,” politician Newsom said before moving to another reporter. More

(The Daily Show) Trevor Noah breaks down the RNC and BS by Trump

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