Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Sexual misconduct with Ghislaine Maxwell

Hosts Ben and Rob (Edge of Wonder, 8/20); Sheldon S., Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Sex with young Virgin' Roberts
Maxwell/Epstein child victim and whistleblower Virginia Roberts Giuffre on 60 Minutes
Child molester Prince Andrew with kid
In the summer of 2000 [20, 21] child sex victim Virginia Roberts, 17,(pictured at left with child molester Prince Andrew) first met madame Ghislaine Maxwell when working as a spa attendant at Donald Trump's private Mar-a-Lago club while reading a book about massage therapy [16].

Ghislaine [\ghee-layne\] Maxwell, a British socialite and daughter of the late media tycoon Robert Maxwell, approached young Virginia Roberts, noted the book that she was reading, inquired about her interest in massage, and offered her a potential job working for child rapist and trafficker Jeffrey Epstein as a traveling masseuse with the assurance that no experience was necessary [16].

Roberts has stated that after Maxwell introduced her to Jeffrey Epstein, the two quickly began "grooming" her [preparing her for sexual assault] to provide sexual services under the guise that she was to be trained as a professional massage therapist [22].

Between 2000 and 2002, Roberts was closely associated with Epstein and Maxwell, traveling between billionaire blackmailer Epstein's residences in Palm Beach and Manhattan (at the Herbert N. Straus House), with additional trips to Epstein's Zorro Ranch in New Mexico and private "Pedophile Island" (Little Saint James) [23].

I'm going to traffick your child worker, Don.
In the Miami Herald's award-winning [24] investigative journalism series "Perversion of Justice," Roberts describes her experiences of being sexually trafficked by child molester Jeffrey Epstein to provide massages and sexual services for him and a number of his rich, white business associates over a two-and-a-half-year period [25].

In March [10] 2001 Roberts was trafficked to Prince Andrew. She stated in an interview that it was a "wicked" and "really scary time" in her life and that she "couldn't comprehend how in the highest level of the government powerful people were allowing this to happen. Not just allowing but participating in it" [26].

In court documents from an unsealed civil suit released from 2019, Roberts named several others that she claims Epstein and Maxwell instructed her to have sex with, including
  • hedge fund manager Glenn Dubin
  • attorney Alan Dershowitz
  • politician Bill Richardson
  • late MIT scientist Marvin Minsky
  • lawyer George J. Mitchell
  • MC2 modeling agent Jean-Luc Brunel [27, 28]. 
Friend of Prince Andrew Ghislaine Maxwell with monster Kevin Spacey on thrones

In September 2002, at the age of 19, Roberts was flown to Thailand to attend the International Training Massage School [29, 30] in Chiang Mai [31].

Maxwell provided her with tickets to travel to Thailand and instructed to meet with a specific Thai girl to bring her back to the United States for Epstein [32].

While at the massage school in Thailand in 2002, she met Robert Giuffre, an Australian martial arts trainer, and the two married quickly thereafter [15]. She added Giuffre to her name and contacted Epstein and informed him that she would not be returning as planned.

She and her husband started a life and family in Australia, and Roberts Giuffre broke off contact with Epstein and Maxwell [22]. For five years, Roberts Giuffre and her husband lived a quiet life in Australia with their young children. More

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