Thursday, September 10, 2020

News of the Weird (Coast to Coast)
Coral Castle, tarot reading, and the academic firestorm surrounding a controversial piece of ancient papyrus were among the riveting stories explored last week on Coast to Coast. And a gargantuan crater was found in Russia, an eerie "shadow creature" (shapeshifting skin-walker wolf, fox, or dog) was filmed in Maine, and a pair of Italian flat earth skeptics got lost trying to find the "edge of the world."

On Tuesday Theresa Reed detailed nearly 30 years of work with the popular divination tool called the tarot card deck. She explained that reading the cards relies on intuition honed over many sessions coupled with a strong understanding of their foundation and multiple interpretations.

NASA's fake space footage revealed by mouse
The monstrous power of Mother Nature was on full display this week: a jaw-dropping video of an enormous crater that appeared in Russia's Arctic Tundra region.

Inadvertently discovered by a news crew flying overhead, the chasm located on the country's Yamal Peninsula measures 165 feet deep. In the face of online speculation that the ominous pit was somehow related to UFOs or a clandestine weapon test, a Russia expert quickly explained to the public that it was a natural phenomenon brought about by melting permafrost.

Whoever makes crop circles goes coronavirus
The mysterious Coral Castle [American Stonehenge] in Homestead, Florida has long perplexed researchers who wonder how Edward Leedskalnin could have built the elaborate stone structure by himself.

On Monday night's program, R.L. Poole shared details from his investigation into the location and its creator. He argued that Coral Castle was crafted using a secret scientific technique related to magnetism.

Moreover, Leedskalnin hid a code in the stone which, when applied to his writings, revealed a collaboration with the wealthy heiress Doris Duke.

A curious piece of footage surfaced this week that seemingly shows some kind of shadow creature crossing a dark and spooky road. The video came courtesy of a dashcam from a Maine motorist driving through the community of Yarmouth a few days earlier and, at the time, didn't notice anything out of the ordinary from his trip.

When looking back at the footage to find out if it captured a deer he had spotted on the drive, the man was stunned to see a baffling black form zipping from one side of the road to the other in front of his vehicle. A supernatural visitor, paranormal activity, or a trick of light and shadow? We're still not sure.

Of course I was married! I was a rabbi.
The fantastic story of how a scrap of papyrus purportedly indicating that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene set off a firestorm in the religious studies world a few years ago was discussed in fascinating detail on Saturday night's program by journalist Ariel Sabar.

He recounted how the controversial piece of paper made its way to a Harvard professor who unveiled her blockbuster discovery at a 2012 conference and how her findings quickly fell apart when the artifact was said to be a fraud.

All ancient cultures described a domed flat earth
By far the most bizarre story of the week came from Italy where a pair of alleged Italian flat earth enthusiasts tried to find the "edge of the world" but wound up on an epic misadventure.

Map of Mt. Sumeru and our flat earth
The duo began by breaking coronavirus-related travel restrictions to embark on a road trip that led to them selling their car, buying a boat, and sailing to an island hundreds of miles away in the opposite direction of what they believed to be the literal end of the earth.

Despite failing in their mission, the pair persisted twice more, much to the chagrin of authorities who kept trying to get them to adhere to the country's pandemic quarantine.

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