Friday, November 13, 2020

Paracas space alien skulls: Nephilim (audio)

L. A. Marzulli, Host G, Noory, 11/11/20; Pfc. Sandoval, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Researcher L. A. Marzulli is also an author, lecturer, and filmmaker. He discusses his latest work examining the scientific evidence that the elongated skulls excavated in Paracas, Peru are not human.

Thousands of these artifacts could be the remains of one of the Nephilim tribes, a biblical reference. The skulls are thousands of years old, and one has been dated at 700-800 years old. Their elongated craniums are not the result of cranial deformation as these features are genetic.

Marzulli says that, while the phenomenon of artificially lengthening skulls is practiced "worldwide," he and a team of scientists and medical professionals can show that the Paracas skulls were not artificially changed.

He states that "what we're looking at, in our opinion, is something genetic." Marzulli notes that over the course of three years using two different genetic testing labs, with three separate testing trials, they were able to extract 58 DNA samples from the skulls and mummies found in Peru.

Of these 28 of them contained enough genetic material to make a positive identification. What was found was that many contained some DNA of "Middle Eastern" and "Western European" origin.

Marzulli is convinced this "rewrites history as we know it." He points out that some of the eye sockets in the skulls are 30% larger than normal human eyes, which would be impossible to accomplish with simple artificial deformation.

According to him this proves the skulls belong to a non-human race, which he asserts are the biblical human-hybrids known as the "Nephilim" or giants of old. AUDIO

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