Friday, November 13, 2020

Trump LOSES and feels BAD (video)

Happy Americans took to the streets across the country to celebrate the success of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris winning the election, "Drunk Kamala Harris," loser Trump refuses to accept that he lost so he claims the election was "stolen" from him. Jimmy Kimmel rubs it in together with some past concession speeches to give the Orange Man inspiration. To add insult to injury, a Trump Voter Fraud Hotline receives tons of prank calls. We very much discourage calling, but here's the number: (888) 503-3526. Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani gives a speech at the Four Seasons, not the ritzy hotel but at The Four Seasons Total Landscaping parking lot. Then Big Pharma Pfizer Corporation announces that they are making great progress on a vaccine, Ben Carson, Mark Meadows have COVID, and the Trump Lies Commemorative Plate Collection!

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