Tuesday, April 13, 2021

What can a Buddhist monk teach us? (video)

Stress and How to Deal with It
The end is near? Oh no, I'm stressing out!
(BSV Dhamma Talks, 1/13/20) If this video is useful, it may be good to subscribe at bit.ly/DhammaTalks or forward it to friends who might benefit from Dharma teachings.

SPEAKER: The speaker is Ajahn Nissarano, an Australian monk who ordained under Ajahn Brahm decades ago. He resides in Sri Lanka but spends a few months each year at the Buddhist Society of Victoria to teach and lead meditation classes.

The beginning is near again.
:  While registered as a Buddhist not-for-profit association, the Buddhist Society of Victoria (BSV) welcomes members of all backgrounds and religions. Located in Melbourne, this East Malvern center hosts programs that guide members on meditation as well as practical Buddhist teachings for kids, teenagers, and adults.

The center's spiritual advisor is Ajahn Brahm, the abbot of Bodhinyana Monastery in Western Australia. For more information: BSV.net.au

FOREST MONASTERY: Newbury Buddhist Monastery is 70 minutes from the heart of Melbourne City. The magnificent landscape and tranquil surroundings offer an inspiring backdrop for seclusion and meditation.

Since its establishment, male and female spiritual aspirants have been able to seek full ordination. This supports the cultivation of Buddhist teachers who in return share Dharma teachings across the world. Support the building projects here: supportnbm.bsv.net.au.

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