Tuesday, April 13, 2021

White Awake Study Group: White Privilege

LA.Shambhala; Ananda (Dharma Buddhist Meditation), Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

White Tara: Compassion would be better.
WHO: The Los Angeles Shambhala White Awake Study Group is for anyone who identifies as "white" who wants to learn more about the realities of racism and the unintended impacts of white privilege so they can consciously contribute to social justice rather than unconsciously perpetuate patterns of racism.

WHY: We gather with other whites to create a space of learning without causing more harm. We hold the Shambhala values of basic goodness (true nature), bravery (fearlessness), gentleness, kindness, and understanding at the center of our study.

How to be an Antiracist  (workbooks, too)
: Over the course of this year on the third Sunday of the month, we meet to study The New York Times bestseller How to be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi. Drop-ins are welcome whether or not  one is current with the reading.

Each monthly meeting includes a brief meditation period, a brief review of group norms, and may include personal writing practice and small and large group discussions.

Occasionally a meeting will deviate from the book altogether to focus on a relevant article, film, or podcast.
Interracial love: What must that be like? More and more Americans are finding out.

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