Monday, April 12, 2021

Seven Enlightenment Revelations (Eric Dubay)

Enlightenment Revelations
(Eric Dubay, March 14, 2021) In Christian esotericism there are the concepts of seven levels of heaven, seven levels of hell, seven deadly sins, and seven heavenly virtues, which directly correspond with the seven yoga chakras or energy centers/wheels.

Kundalini moves up the spinal chakras.
For kundalini to rise the yogin/i cleanses and opens his/her chakras through a process of physiological and psychological self-development composed of seven steps, each belonging to a physical location in the body.

For example, the first root chakra is related to security and survival. When closed it corresponds to the deadly sin of greed, but when open corresponds to the heavenly virtue of generosity.

The second sacral chakra is related to sexuality and relationships. When closed it corresponds to the deadly sin of lust, but when open corresponds to the heavenly virtue of chastity.

What is one willing to do to be good?
Thus, a selfless person who sincerely and diligently develops all seven virtues helps open her or himself up to the kundalini energy at the base of the spine awakening, allowing it to access the seven heavens.

Conversely, a selfish person who completely and unremorsefully indulges in all seven vices closes him or herself off from kundalini and one finds oneself in hell.

The concept of seven heavens and seven hells is nearly universal in the world's religions. Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Jainism all reference the idea and color it with stories of the afterlife.

In the microcosm we create our own personal heavens and hells based on our development of virtues or indulgence in vices.

Chakras have colors and sounds.
In the macrocosm these life choices and character traits then correspond with afterlife worlds, seven ascending levels of heaven or seven descending levels of hell, depending on each individual's karma. 

For example, in the ancient religion of Mesopotamia (Iraq), Earth was presented as a flat disk covered by seven domes, each containing different celestial bodies.

These bodies corresponded to the seven macroscopic heavens, whereas the seven chakras within the individual body corresponded to the seven microscopic heavens.

Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs
These also mesh and correspond quite well with Abraham Maslow's "hierarchy of needs," which place upon a series of steps the various physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual necessities for a fully developed, fully realized human being.

Just like the yoga chakra system and the esoteric Christian system, Maslow's hierarchy begins with base physiological needs like food and water at the bottom. Then there are safety needs like being secure from danger.

Near the heart chakra we find the need to belong, like being loved and accepted, along with esteem needs like being recognized and respected.

As we reach the higher chakras, we find cognitive needs like knowledge and exploration, as well as aesthetic needs like order and beauty.

Once all the lower physical, emotional, and psychological needs have been met, finally there comes the crown chakra of self-actualization, the spiritual work of finding fulfillment and realizing one's true potential can begin.

Elimination of Satan's Tail
Just as the rising kundalini energy relates to the seven virtues and seven heavens, Gnostic mystics like Columbian Samael Aun Weor and Russian George Gurdjieff wrote of the Kundabuffer and its relation to the seven vices and seven hells.

Weor posited that just as virtuous practice causes the ascending serpent of kundalini to travel upwards from the apex of the sacrum, the negative indulgence in vices contrarily causes the descending Kundabuffer serpent to travel downwards into the coccyx, the "tail of Satan."

In his book The Elimination of Satan's Tail: Meditation and Liberation from Suffering and many other tales, he details the parallels between Christianity and Raja Yoga and describes the karmic self-development necessary to become a fully realized and enlightened human being.

This presentation of "Enlightenment Revelations" is taken from a chapter in my new book Flatlantis, available now from Lulu and Amazon.

Flatlantis (Eric Dubay)
Flatlantis is an exploration into the history of Flat Earth, the mythology of Atlantis, and the mystery of Mount Meru (Buddhism's Sumeru), the alleged magnetic mountain ancient cultures worldwide believed existed at the center of the disk or North Pole.

Beginning with a complete history of the geocentric Flat Earth cosmology and subsequent gradual adoption of the heliocentric globe Earth model, Flatlantis then delves into ancient polar mythologies, early polar history/cartography, modern polar expeditions, and the myriad problems with claims made by Cook, Peary, U.S. Navy Admiral Byrd, Scott, Amundsen, and other explorers.

Finally, in a metaphysical twist, the book ends with research into Freemasonry, Christian esotericism, the Atlantean legend, Kundalini Yoga, ancient advanced civilizations and how they are all intimately connected to the North Pole. More

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