Friday, May 28, 2021

Bitcoin for Beginners: What You Need to Know

This is what happened to my investment, my body of money. It fell. I stumbled and dropped it. I took it for dead, had a funeral for it, then it sort of slipped. But, hey, that's no reason for you not to get into the market, Millennial.

Now what if together we send [x-crypto] to to the moon? Bitcoin's a pyramid scheme. Dogecoin is volatile "hustle." The next slot machine to pay off is Ethereum. Get in, get paid, get out! Don't get greedy. But we are greedy (Buddhism's lobha manifesting as insatiable craving for riches, lust, endless rebirths, and sensual desires to chase through samsara). And this greed will be the ruin of us.
  • Bitcoin for Beginners (eToro)
Bitcoin for Beginners: What You Need to Know
[It's all rigged, so make your investment choices knowing that. Be forewarned. Forewarned is forearmed.] Don’t know your bitcoin from your blockchain?

eToro is here to help [itself to your funds through fees]. Is there a Bitcoin barrier to entry? For many curious investors yet to dip their toes in the proverbial waters, the biggest thing holding them back may be summed up in one word: knowledge.
  • [We prefer to call it "wisdom." Hey, WQ, how does knowledge differ from wisdom? In a word, experience.]
The more you try to wrap your brain around the technology behind Bitcoin, the more confused you may be about its actual investment value. How exactly is Bitcoin mined?

What is a hard fork? And what are proof of stake versus proof of concept? Head scratchers abound.

If eToro hasn’t lost you yet — good! While you may never master the concepts of blockchain and how cryptocurrency is created, in reality, you don’t need to when it comes to investing. [The less you know the better for the broker. Ignorance makes you spend more.]

All you really need to know is why cryptocurrency has value, how that value compares to traditional currencies, and what investing means in the long run. More

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