Friday, May 28, 2021

Q&A: I got rich on crypto. Now what? (cartoons)

Wisdom Quarterly ADVICE LINE via Dharma Buddhist Meditation, LA (Meetup); Hedgeye
Paul Krugman compares Bitcoin to housing bubble (
Is Bitcoin the future? 93 Bitcoin comics, ideas, and Dilbert cartoons (

Bitcoin as sack with dollar sign (
Q: I accidentally ran into a fair bit of money, and it didn’t increase my happiness by anything tangible.

I’m more nervous of losing it, lol. *Nervous laughter* It was always a trap. Haha... deeply flowing in the moment is probably the only way to handle it now.

It's just funny how much of a farce it was in terms of happiness.

A: Ah, Bitcoin, is it? Congratulations! It should have made you much happier, petering out at 80K or 120K/year then it plateaus, research shows. Or was it Dogecoin, inhertiance, the lottery?

Bitcoins investors are doing more gambling than "investing." Learn the basics (
"Fly me to the moon!" says Bitcoin. (Cartoon archives at The Daily Dose)
We hear ya about the newfound fear of losing it. I mean, don't you think that if you lost $20 billion overnight you'd do something drastic? But look at the Elon Musk. He lost that much. (He trusts he'll get more).

This is great! Money for nothing, greed for free.
We wouldn't deeply flow. We would enjoy the moment. Celebrate it. Get therapy while you can afford it.

Money doesn't make us monsters (creatures full of fear, annoyance, preference, and confusion). It merely brings out these monstrosities in us.

They are dormant for a long time, only showing themselves now and then.

Today is Vesak -- the Buddha's birthday, enlightenment day, and the day of his passing into final nirvana -- all on the full moon of the lunar month of Vesakha.

Libra is coming: Should Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies be worried? (
Who knows cryptocurrency better than the computer literate? (
Men, women, and money (Pyari Khan)
You know who else is not as happy as s/he should be given her/his circumstances? [Blank.] Make the heart right, and the mind will follow.

What if it were as easy as unearthing dormant nongreed, nonhatred, nonfear, and nondelusion -- the antidotes to all the problems that make us unhappy? ;,)
Bitcoin Cartoon Hero (
Q 2: It was definitely crypto currency. Good guess. Money’s not the answer, and that is now known through direct personal experience. So it’s gotta be something else. Haha.

There’s almost endless greed, hatred, and delusion. But slowly...very slowly... What a weird funny world. Haha.

I hope [blank] is doing well. The pandemic has been mentally tough for everyone. Is he staying in the lakeside meditation center?

A2: He was staying there. He went back to work. Refuses to invest. He, we all, want to go sit a retreat in a Joshua Tree meditation center to find the deeper meaning of things. It’s a safer way to happiness.

O, Great Investor, may we have a tip? We were thinking to go big into Ethereum. Yay or nay?

Cartoon of the Day from the vault: Bitcoin investor (
Cartoon of the Day: Bitcoin is a crypto corpse currency that keeps bouncing (
Today’s Cartoons: Bitcoin’s future is certain: Orange County Register (

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