Sunday, May 2, 2021

UFOs are real: The New Yorker (video)

Reporter-at-Large Gideon Lewis-Kraus (4/30/21 in the The New Yorker, May 10, 2021 issue); Today, 4/15/21; Pfc. Sandoval, Pat Macpherson, Seth Auberon, Sheldon S. (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

On May 9, 2001, Dr. Steven M. Greer, M.D. ( took the lectern at the National Press Club, in Washington, D.C., in pursuit of the truth about unidentified flying objects (UFOs and UAPs).

Dr. Greer, an emergency-room physician in Virginia and an outspoken ufologist, believes that the government has long withheld from the American people its familiarity with alien visitations.

He had founded the Disclosure Project in 1993 in an attempt to penetrate the sanctums of conspiracy. Dr. Greer’s reckoning that day featured some 20 prominent speakers. He provided, in support of his claims, a 492-page dossier called the “Disclosure Project Briefing Document.”

Now the Pentagon takes UFOs seriously
CIA: Let's make fun of "flying saucers" and nuts
For public officials -- like various presidents of the United States -- too busy to absorb such a vast tract of suppressed knowledge, Dr. Greer had prepared a 95-page “Executive Summary of the Disclosure Project Briefing Document.”

After some throat-clearing, the “Executive Summary” began with “A Brief Summary,” which included a series of bullet points outlining what amounted to the greatest secret in human history

Over several decades, according to Dr. Greer, untold numbers of alien craft (vimanas) had been observed in our planet’s airspace; they were able to reach extreme velocities with no visible means of lift or propulsion, and to perform stunning maneuvers at g-forces that would turn a human pilot to soup.

Dr. Steven Greer, MD (
Some of these extraterrestrial spaceships (explained) had been “downed, retrieved, and studied [by humans with the help of other aliens] since at least the 1940s and possibly as early as the 1930s.”

Efforts to reverse engineer such extraordinary machines had led to “significant technological breakthroughs in [free] energy generation.”

These operations had mostly been classified as “cosmic top secret,” a tier of clearance “38 levels” above [ordinary “top secret”] that typically granted to the commander-in-chief.

Why, Dr. Greer asked, had such transformative technologies been hidden for so long? This was obvious. The “social, economic, and geo-political order of the world” was at stake.

Buddhism knows 31 planes + countless worlds
The idea that space aliens had frequented our planet had been circulating among ufologists since the post-war years, when an émigré, George Adamski, claimed to have rendezvoused with a race of kindly, Nordic-looking Venusians [akasha-devas in Buddhist terms] who were disturbed by the domestic and interplanetary effects of nuclear-bomb tests.

In the summer of 1947, an alien spaceship was said to have crashed near Roswell, New Mexico.

[Researchers] believe that anthropomorphic [humanoid] bodies were recovered there and the crash debris was entrusted to private military contractors [to skirt Congress, police agencies, and other oversight bodies] who raced to unlock alien hardware before the Russians could.

(Documents unearthed after the fall of the Soviet Union or USSR suggested that the anxiety about an arms race supercharged by alien technology was mutual.)

All of this, ufologists claimed, had been covered up by Majestic 12, a clandestine, para-governmental organization convened under executive order by President Truman.

Monroe was assassinated like her lover JFK.
President John F. Kennedy was assassinated [by the CIA] because he planned to level with Russian Premier Khrushchev; Pres. Kennedy had confided in Marilyn Monroe [with whom he was having an illicit, extramarital affair and being spied on by the FBI, CIA, and other alphabet covert organizations with the aim of blackmailing and co-opting him] thereby sealing Monroe’s fate.

Representative Steven Schiff of New Mexico spent years trying to get to the bottom of the Roswell incident, only to die of “cancer.”

Dr. Greer’s “Executive Summary” was woolly, but discerning readers could find within it answers to many of the most frequently asked questions about U.F.O.s...  More

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