Monday, June 21, 2021

Insight: Pa Auk on Dependent Origination (video)

Setti Wessels (; Dhr. Seven, Pat Macpherson (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Part 2: Pa Auk Sayadaw explains Dependent Origination in English with additional subtitles prepared in Jakarta for ease of following along.
This is rare footage of Sayadaw explaining insight meditation (vipassana) and Dependent Origination (how things arise) in English.

It was recorded in Korea in 2008 after Sayadaw emerged from a one-year personal retreat in Sri Lanka in 2007.

This archival material was obtained from Pa Auk Forest Monastery and prepared for English meditators (Korean translation removed). It gives a thorough and vibrant overview of:
  • tranquility meditation (samatha)
  • analysis of mind and matter (nāma and rūpa)
  • Dependent Origination (paticca-samuppāda) and
  • insight meditation (vipassanā) techniques

as taught by Sayadaw at Pa Auk Forest Monastery in Burma in a way appreciated by visiting meditators from all over the world.

Many thanks to Joanna Semeniuk for uploading the files to the internet in the Netherlands and to Simone Vromen for carrying the originals on DVD from Burma.

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