Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Nun's Sutra Study: Karma and Female Rebirth

Ayya Vimalanyani (; Dhr. Seven, Amber Larson (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Nuns' ordination and the status of Buddhist nuns today (Tricycle: The Buddhist Review)

Female Rebirth Sutra Study w/ Ayya Vimalanyani
(Buddhist Insights, Sept. 17, 2021) Western Buddhist nun Ayya Vimalanyani shares teachings on Ven. Bhadda Kapilani Theri from the Early Buddhist (pre-Mahayana) sacred texts retained by the Mahayana school in the "Numbered Discourses" (Ekottarika-Āgama, EA 52.2) of the Chinese canon, since the Pali canon of the Theravada school contains Nikāyas not Āgamas. To learn more about Buddhist Insights:

A foremost Buddhist nun
O, that I be the most beautiful!
The Great Bhadda Kapilani (BKT) was a Buddhist nun and a leading disciple of the historical Buddha Shakyamuni. Among the nuns she was regarded as the foremost in analyzing the previous rebirths of beings and the karma that led to them, as described in the Rebirth-Tales (Jatakas) of the Pali canon.

Before they entered the Monastic Community (Sangha), Bhadda Kapilani was married t Maha Kassapa.
He was the fully enlightened great disciple who organized Buddhism into a religion by convening the First Council to establish the sutras and Monastic Disciplinary Code of the Sangha after the Buddha's final nirvana and the earlier passing away of his two chief male disciples, Sariputra and Maha Moggallana, and (presumably) his two chief female disciples, Khema and Uppallavana. More
  • O, to be enlightened and free!
    Geetha Gnana: ​🙏🙏🙏
  • Tracy Anderson: ​🙏 Good morning.
  • Buddha Ruci ​: Good morning, Ayya.
  • Buddhist Insights: Find the sutra ("discourse") hereKarma and Female Rebirth by Ven. Analayo (
  • Aum Chatterjee: ​Good morning, venerables and friends ♥🙏🏽♥

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